The Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing (WPC) of Department of Telecommunications (DoT), India is the National Radio Regulatory Authority responsible for frequency spectrum management, including licensing and caters the needs of all wireless users.
As per WPC guidelines, all wireless products working in delicensed frequency bands require Equipment Type Approval (ETA) from WPC. ETA is issued on per model basis. Application can be filed by Indian manufacturers or Authorized Indian Representative in case of foreign manufacturer. This includes products with Bluetooth, wireless local area network access technology (Wi Fi), small digital radios (Zigbee), and radio frequency identification (RFID) among others
“Our team support you in completing the required documentation and required Radio frequency testing for filing an application. Our good rapport with authorities and well established contacts make us the perfect partner for WPC/ETA certification. Benefit from our complete process knowledge and experience from over 1000+WPC projects. Contact us for how we can help you to get WPC/ETA approval for your radio and wireless products”
Type of Licenses issued by WPC Authority
Wireless Planning and Coordination certification (WPC certification) is of 3 types which are as follows:
- Non – Network Licence
- Import Licence
- Dealer Possession Licence
- Non-dealer Possession Licence
- Network Licence
- Internet Service Provider Licence (ISP)
- Experimental Licence
- Equipment type Approval (ETA)

How Network License is different from Non-Network License?
The division is based on the procedure adopted for licensing. Frequency allocation and Creation of Station are two important procedures in creating Network License. For Non-network license, Earmarked frequencies (pre-allocated frequencies) are available as per International and National Norms to be chosen from whereas in certain cases of Non-Network licenses frequencies are not required to be assigned at all.
Product Scope under ETA (EquipmentType Approval)
ETA through self-declaration is applicable to the products which comply both the following conditions
- Exempted from import licensing requirement as per Import Policy of DGFT
- Working in de-licensed frequency bands (as per applicable Gazette Notifications fromMinistry of Communications )
For example: Mobile handsets, Smartphones, Electronic notepads, Laptops, Smart watches, SRDs including accessories, microphones, headphones, speakers, earphones, printers, scanners, mouse, keyboard, TV, camera, etc.
The RF test report issued by Accredited Laboratory for the product is required for issuanceof ETA. In case the imported product contains multiple RF modules, then test report(s) of all RFmodules without any alteration to be uploaded.
For obtaining ETA, a fee of Rs 10,000/- is required to be paid for each product having inbuilt one or more RF module(s). The product may be a finished model or RFmodule.
What are the license- free bands or de-licensed frequency bands?
- Indoor use of low power wireless equipment in the frequency band 2.4GHz to 2.4835GHz
- Use of low power wireless equipment in the frequency band 2.4GHz to 2.4835GHz
- Indoor use of low power wireless equipment in the frequency band 5GHz
- Indoor use of low power wireless equipment in the frequency band 5GHz-Amndment
- Outdoor use of wireless equipment in the frequency band 5.825-5.875GHz
- Use of low power wireless equipment in the frequency band 865-867MHz for RFID
- Use of low power wireless equipment in the frequency band 865-867MHz for RFID-Amendment
- Use of low power wireless equipment in the 335MHz band from remote control of Cranes
- Use of low power wireless equipment in the 335MHz band from remote control of Cranes-Amendment
- Use of low power wireless equipment in the Citizen Band 26.957-27.383MHz
- Use of low power wireless equipment in the Citizen Band 26.957-27.383MHz-Amendment
What are other licenses like DPL and NDPL?
DPL is the Dealer Possession License and NDP is Non-Dealer Possession License.
DPL is issued for the prospective dealers and distributors of wireless products. The DPL enables a personor company to possess and transact in the wireless products which are licensed through the DPL.
The NDPL is issued to an individual when he neither possess any other kind of wireless license issued by WPC nor is a dealer of wireless product, but propose to hold certain wireless equipment for which theapplication is submitted to WPC. Details instruction of DPL/NDPL is also uploaded separately